Thursday, 19 March 2015

10 Things Guys Do That Make Ladies Turn Them Into Maga

Almost every lady has a
corresponding maga because an
average Naija guy is a potential
maga No matter how smart you are ,
you m
ay still come across those
money-grubbing girls that would
go to any length to grub every
last kobo in your pocket.
We do not have all day, let's get
to business Now grab your yoyo bitters and pop-corn, relax and ready meticulously
10 Things Guys Do That Make
Ladies Turn Them Into Maga
1. Desperation For S3x
When you show too much
desperation for s3x gratification,
you are on a path to maga zone,
a zone which makes girls see you
as their source of finance. Many
ladies use sex as a leverage to
cash in on unsuspected guys,
force you to make solemn
promises especially when you
exhibit too much desperation. I
could recall when a friend living
next to my apartment invited a
lady all the way from Lagos to
Ado-Ekiti. The next morning he
told me he had to prostrate and
started making solemn promises
before the lady gave in, and I
was like, what height of
desperation is that?
2. Refusing To Back Off
Some dudes are hell bent even
when a lady outrightly tells then
she's not interested. In this
scenario, there are two things
involved: firstly, some guys think
that when a lady refuse them,
they can use money and gift to
get the lady into liking them. By
so doing, the lady will see that as
an opportunity to bleed the guy
in question dry.
Secondly, having told you on
many occasions that she feels
nothing for you and you are
adamant to back off. Since her
stalker is making last-ditch
attempts to get her, she will
resort to put and fleece you in
the maga zone.
3. Sending Recharge Quickly
It has become everyday
disposition of average Nigerian
girls to request recharge card
from guys. A good number of
them use various excuses (such
as I'm broke and I need to call a
nephew of my uncle's sister
cousin brother of my father's
uncle, I'm sick and I need
recharge card, as if it were drugs
etc) to get guys to send them
recharge card. Don't get it
twisted, there's actually nothing
wrong sending recharge card to a
lady in need, but some ladies
take advantage of that to make
you look mumu. You got to meet
a lady and you are already
sending her recharge card the
first week just because you want
to get the key to her heart, my
brother, you are most likely to
get into the maga list.
4. Being Overly Caring
Being caring is very good but one
should do it with caution or else,
you might be taken for granted. I
have once overheard a lady
called a dude on the phone,
pretended she was ill and
requested for money.
Immediately she dropped the
call, her friends said they doubt if
the guy would send the money. I
was so shocked when she said "
Dem no born am well make e no
send am" waaaaaaaaaat ? !!! Is it
a crime to be overly caring to
ladies ?
5. Notice Me Attitude
Many guys become a "YES"
person because they want to
impress lady. The truth is, every
lady seeks financial security but
no lady wants to marry a fool.
Some dudes would always want
to do things so that a lady would
not see them as broke dudes,
I'm sorry if you are the 'I-WANT-
TO-IMPRESS' type, then your
chances of being magad is very
6 Forcing Yourself On Her
The best thing that can ever
happen to you is when a lady has
been fantacizing about you, but
when a lady does not feel you at
all and you are making last-ditch
effort to get her. You are most
likely to end up in the maga zone
7. Doing What You Are Not
Capable Of
The best way to know if a lady
likes you naturally is when you
try to appear broke. Some would
however drift away soon as they
know the wealth of your pocket
while some would wait; if you
are flaunting your gadget(s) and
doing what you are not capable
of, then she's most likely to turn
you into a maga.
8. Being Shy To Say NO
Personally, I'm never ashamed to
say I don't have so I don't know
why some guys are so ashamed
to tell a lady they don't have. I
have seen a case when a dude
took a lady to an eatery and after
spending all he had, he gave her
money for cab and trekked home
(miles away). I guess he was
ashamed to tell the lady he
wasn't with enough cash
9. Boasting About Your Finances
Money itself makes noise so I
see no reason why you should
boast about your family, or bank
account. When you are caught
doing this, then it's just one of
the things we are talking about
10 Overhyping A Lady
When you overhype a lady, she
sees herself like the queen of
England and expects you to start
running helter skelter when she
demands from you


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